
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From a post on a recumbent bike forum.  I stated that I thought I could beat my previous times on several challenging routes on a front wheel drive recumbent bike:

           "Again, Dan I think you are deluding yourself. Only after you have recreated your epic Arizona rides and have data which shows this advantage will I no longer be skeptical. You are chasing the fountain of youth."

My reply:

Dear God NO!!

If there is such a thing as reincarnation I want to come back having skipped the first 45 years of life. And while I'm on this bent (oo!) I'd like to come back as one of the following: dung beetle, cockroach, ant. But that's another story.

  • And, yes! I delude myself frequently.
  • Also, I work with some diligence toward contradiction.
  • Double standards are my due, given my age.
  • I think intelligence is overrated and organizational skills are what keep most of us fed and clothed every day.
  • Denial is something I do but try to avoid thinking about. 
And I like ice cream bars with chocolate.

I'm o.k. with being serious.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Me? I want to be faster, fastest and first. If that is attributable to wind, terrain, unholy engineering, or just a good day ... I'll take it.

And when another comes by who is better in all categories I'll praise his/her good fortune, talent and hard work. I'll grumble and swear. But I'll be glad to share with the few something that is hard won.

In a hundred years (as they say) we won't be remembered.

So, you see, all that matters is how we are towards one another in the here and now. And I'm not so good at that, even. F'sure.

Perhaps it is because I've experienced so many failures, disappointments, losses, embarassments, a few reqrets, and reasons for shame.

Mostly I don't want to be lonely, in protracted pain or afraid. Never did. Didn't know it though. Time and a reputation for being a slow, but persistent, learner helped. It's workin'.

My smiles express an embrace of others who are learning towards what I'm so recently aware of.

When young I could hide this wisdom in a tsunami of hormonal rage, fury and enormity. Youth, for me, was fun. But it was blind and self-absorbed.

Now? I'm a tad less driven.

I like it now. It's better. Dessert.

And I'm not going to give it up with out the most ferocious of battles. As William Wallace once said: "A'm gooin' t' peck a fight!!" With a smile, a nod of the head and a threatening twinkle in his eye.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Indiana Double Cross (W-E-W) on May 21, 2011

It's decided.  Rather than just repeat my previous W-E record set in 2009 I'll attempt an `out and back' record on Saturday, May 21st.  Four opportunities to set UMCA records:

1. Beat my '09 W-E record time for a recumbent;
2. Set a W-E record for all bikes;
3. Set a E-W record for all bikes;
4. Set a W-E-W record for all bikes. 


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Recumbent Blog Interview

Just before Calvin's Challenge in Ohio in May 2010 I had the pleasure to sit down with Tom Hovan and Travis Prebble to discuss my indoor training over the winter in preparation for RAW 2010.  Not having listened to this interview for about six months I'm reminded of just how insane one has to be to think that one can train for such an event almost exclusively in one's basement.  My confidence exceeded my ability because I DNF'd at Time Station 6 in Congress, AZ.  Still, I was able to do 415 miles in less than 28 hours of the coastal mountains and desert heat.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A spasm of philosphies...

From a recent exchange on a recumbent bike discussion forum:


maybe it's because my poor english, not your fault. And I do not feel offended at all. I really cannot understand your word "ethic". I understand, you take cycling seriously, as organic part of your life. But I cannot understand why you wouldn't testride an exotic bike, if it was possible. There is only one recumbent bike shop in Hungary, and I have tested a lot of their interesting bikes. I frankly told the owner in advance that I won't buy a new bike in the close future. Why he allowed me to test them? Because I talk to many hungarian guys about recumbents, cyclists, tourists, fitness maniacs, etc. I am not his agent, but I mention his shop, his bikes, etc often. This is the fee.

The same with you. If a shopkeeper offers you a recumbent spaceship for instance to testride, he does it because you are a well known, credible recumbent cyclist. Your testride report worths much more than a rental fee or a paid ad...

Thanks for your response. I've valued your posts in the past and worried that I may have injured this.

First, I've ridden the Carbent a year and a half ago in what turned out to be a 100 mile (out of 200 miles) race. Though I enjoyed it I didn't find it any different from my Ti Aero (perhaps it was because the race was on completely flat terrain).

Second, with few exceptions I can estimate what a different recumbent will feel like. Now, if someone gave me a fully zooted-out Zockra to ride I'd do it just for the experience, but not because I would have any intention of spending the money to buy it.

Third, (if not really first), it's the `engine.' Because of my work and the location of my home (Chicago -- `streets' don't help train; open roads do) it is a big investment of time and ... time to intensively train for the kind of speed and endurance I desire. During the cold months I train on indoor trainers that strengthen my `engine,' (watts). When the warm weather returns I then train on endurance over time.

Finally, in fact I `do' consider spending a lot of money on a bicycle to be offensive to my core values. Would I allow myself to be sponsored by a company that spends their money on bicycles? Probably. That would be clumsy and convenient ethical rationalizing ... but I'm weak enough to allow that.

Even more finally ... and you didn't imply or ask this ... my assessment of our species is that `consciousness' is an evolutionary dead end of very short duration and will self-destruct in the not too distant (in geological terms) future. We think too much and accomplish too little. If I had my way I'd have been born a dung beetle, a cockroach or an ant. Actually, some people already think that I AM one or all of these remarkable creatures.

If I were to switch from animal to plant? I'm big on weeds

And even more finally, finally ... I'm looking forward to the Cruzbike road test because the bikes are based on readily available and (relatively) inexpensive components and a decently priced frame --- with the prospect of solid functional performance where and when it counts.

I'm no slave to consistency, predictability or comprehendible monologue. I value my contradictions and feel perfectly at home within my (the clock is ticking!) species. (It takes serious restraint not to exhibit sarcasm as a core coping strategy in an absurd and brutal world).

I don't believe in god. Faith is a delusion. Sentiment does or does not promote procreation. And when Mother Sun becomes a red dwarf it'll all be clear to us then.