
Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Sometimes it hits me about getting older.  It's like taking a 30 ton boat out for a ride with a 40 ton anchor on a 100 feet chain into 300 feet of water.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Reverting to form

I finally got rid of the `smartphone' that I erred in purchasing last month.  Lot's of `data' and too little `information.'  

Much like the medical industry, the digital industry considers consumers to be `microorganisms' with which to experiment in a petri dish.  They produce electronic gizmos to make fools of buyers who, like pigeons in a lab, respond predictably (not productively) to the intermittent reinforcement principle.  They keep `pecking/buying' til they break their beak/bank account.  (Look it up).  

A.  I'm not that important that people need to get a response from me between heart beats.

B.  Seeing on a little screen what I already know isn't sufficiently stimulating to my occipital lobe that it overrides my prefrontal cortex.  

If I were going to become addicted or dependent upon something it would be chemical rather than digital.  

Besides, there isn't much out there that holds promise to make me `better' than my slovenly, grumpy and cynical (yes.  hard to believe, isn't it) self.

Monday, July 8, 2013

"Inert. You're boring."

That's what my doc called me today.

BP: 113/68
Steady at 180 lbs
Resting (more like napping) HR: less than 52 bpm
Empty drum for lungs

Told me to `watch for that sun. Fair skin and all.'

Told her I look like a Klansman with a white sun drape under my helmet, white arm coolers, white gloves, long white no-name cotton socks, 

iridescent air-force orange jersey, 25+ 18" long screaming pink ribbons flying from the back of my seatbag.  

She says: "Oh!  You're that guy on that lean-back bike riding out over the White Spars!"  

"Uh huh."

"Cool.  What about your knees?  You use sunblock!"

Some people you just can't please.