
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Post Exercise Drop in Blood Pressure, Carbonated Water and Heart Rate, and peristalsis


"It is likely that a complex matrix of blood pressure regulating factors including both central and peripheral mechanisms are responsible for PEH. Given the many factors regulating blood pressure, the interaction between such factors and the redundancies built in to the blood pressure control system, it may prove difficult to identify a single causal mechanism for PEH."

Potential causes, mechanisms, and implications of post exercise hypotension
J R MacDonald
Departments of Medicine and Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Correspondence to: J R MacDonald, McMaster University Medical Centre, Room 4U18, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada.
In other words ... don't nobody know why it happens but ... it happens.
"A significantly higher HR was found following consumption of CW as opposed to W. Multiple regression analysis revealed that increased HR was a significant variable contributing to the variances in fullness after ingestion of CW at 40 min. Our data suggest that CW may induce a short-term, but significant, satiating effect through enhanced postprandial gastric and cardiac activities due possibly to the increased sympathetic activity and/or withdrawal of parasympathetic activity."Tof carbonated wa activities and fullness in thy young women.

N 2012;58(5):333-8..

In other words ... don't nobody know why it happens but ... it happens.
PERISTALSIS (exercise induced pooping):
"Exercise decreases splanchnic bloodflow. Therefore exercise may induce alterations in gastrointestinal (GI) function. Ten healthy well-trained male subjects underwent a rest-cycling-rest, and a rest-rest-rest protocol (60-90-210 min). ... Neither gastric emptying nor OCTT showed differences between rest and cycling.... Cycling at 70% Wmax does not lead to differences in reflux, gastric pH or gastrointestinal transit in healthy trained individuals."
The effect of physical exercise on parameters of gastrointestinal function.
"Jump up and down."
In other words ... move around a lot.