
Friday, April 10, 2015

A Surprising Discovery - Sleep

Today, during the fourth of five physical therapy sessions, the therapist asked if I had had many other sports related injuries over time.  Aside from leaving sheaths of my skin on the chipseal and skinning my elbow down to the bone several times and getting some stitches for the same on one of my knuckles and fracturing a few ribs once ... "No.  Not many." 

So these past few months of indolence due to the ripped ulnar nerve from indoor rowing are unprecedented.  But they're pretty much in the past for now.  And I am finding the time to get out on the bike to begin training again. 

Yesterday I spent about 5 hours cutting wood, pounding nails, etc. in the process of building a workbench in the shed.  Lots of lifting, pushing, bending, stooping, etc.  By dinner time I was pretty tired and sore.  Felt good, in fact.

Today I rode the bike for a few hours. 

On returning home I showered, etc., in preparation for a few meetings in the afternoon.  While doing some computer work I felt a heavy wave of sleep overwhelm me.  An hour later, my feet up on my desk, I awoke. 

THAT is what I missed all of these months.  The bliss of intense, blind-to-the-world sleep. 

Tired.  Sore.  Sleep. 

It is free.  Costs nothing but labor.