
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

VIDEO - White Spar on the CA2

This is a rather lengthy video of a rather short ride. 

I'm including about 2.5 minutes (beginning) of climbing up the White Spars because folks have asked "what is it like when you're climbing?" Answer? Slow and not really interesting except for the hordes of motorcyclists. 

This is a useful training route to the extent that a) there is some climbing, b) the descents require some technical skill. 

Note, during the last six minutes or so, that I employ a descending position that I call `the luge.' It simply allows me to become more aerodynamic. I usually `luge' when I'm on extended descents and exceeding 34 mph.

The Garmin Virb G-Metrix data flashes in and out of the video.  Not sure why.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Few Vids of Bike and Training Route / Course

The first video is of the Bacchetta Ti Aero recumbent rear wheel drive high racer.  Only the first 9.5 minutes is relevant.  I describe the bike and the many modifications that I've made to it.

Bacchetta Ti Aero

The second video is of the training route / course that I've been using lately.  The location is an out and back from Skull Valley, AZ.  I live `up the mountain' in Prescott, AZ, but it is literally 15F warmer just 13 miles away (and about 1,500 feet lower in elevation).  

Skull Valley Training Route / Course

Here is the RWGPS data for this training session: