
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Oasis and Good Samaritan in the AZ Desert

Over past two days I've been ramping up the `intensity' and `volume' aspects of my training.  

Due to the heat of my usual training courses (110F) I drove to Flagstaff and cranked out 106 miles with 5,430 feet of climbing. Sadly, the recent heat wave in the southwest reached all the way to Flagstaff (7,400 ft elevation) and the temp was over 100F.  

Flagstaff Training

So, the following day, I decided to drive back down to Prescott and do another intense day of miles and climbing.  This time I was going to emphasize the climbing (5,371) over distance (62 miles). The temp reached 122F while climbing up a steep hill (Yarnell Grade).  

Prescott Training

As I was making my final climb up the twisty switchbacks of the White Spars the rear bolt on one of the struts that supports the seat just sheared off.  (When I put power to the pedals my back transfers my weight and the power directly to the two struts ... a heavy load).  
As it happened I was passing the `Burro Saloon' in a desolate desert town called `Nowhere, Arizona.' And it IS nowhere.  And hot.  And hanging off the side of a mountain.  

No cell phone coverage and 18 steep and hilly miles from Prescott, I went into the Burro Saloon to ask to use a landline to call for a `rescue' pickup from a friend.  Instead 3 guys jumped up and offered to drive me back to Prescott in their trucks.  Bike and all.  

I chose the least drunk volunteer.

After waiting an hour for `Charlie' to "finish up my drink and then we'll git'a'goin" I had a Guinness and made about five new friends: Steve, Karen, Doug, Skip ... and the very buxom barmaid.  

Turned out that they all knew about the `Ghost Rider,' the guy "on one a them lay back bikes" who is covered head to toe in white protective sun clothing.  They had seen me many times on my training rides down there.  

Here are a few pics:  

Friday, June 16, 2017

RAI Training Course(s)

The Race Around Ireland is 1,336 miles and 66,000 feet of climbing.  Much like the Race Across America (RAAM) there are no stopping points until you reach the end.  

Racing variable terrain means lots of flat terrain, lots of climbing, intense heat, and frigid cold.  On my recent trip to Ireland to inspect the course, the quality of the road, etc. I was reassured that it is eminently doable.  

My training for the Race Around Ireland includes five day a week training, some short intense cycling and growing `volume.'  That is, hours in the saddle, miles ridden.  

The local course I've been training (and training and training and training) on comprises 15.8 miles with 720 feet of climbing.  An `out and back' course from Skull Valley to Kirkland (and back).  This allows me to HQ my van near the Skull Valley Post Office for exchanges of clothing, food, hydration, bike adjustments, etc.  

I don't have the luxury of making the summer heat go away.  So I have to put in the miles and hours regardless.  

Today I rode 127 miles in nine hours and thirty minutes.  All but the first 27 miles saw the temperature reach 109F.  A grueling 5,500 feet of climbing.  June 16

Through and until mid-August I'll be putting in 300 - 400 miles each week.  Two days of the five will see 150 - 225 miles of training.   

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Dan Fallon, a long-time member of the Bike Prescott Club, will be among only twenty (20) solo bicyclists to compete in an international ultracycling event: RACE AROUND IRELAND - 2017. The Race will include 2, 4 and 8 person teams as well.

This is a race. Not a ride. 

The Race Around Ireland is regarded as one of the toughest ultracycling challenges in the world. The race course is 1,336 miles long with 66,000 feet of climbing, circling the entire island of Ireland. Solo racers have a time limit of 132 hours (5.5 days) to finish. Sleeping is optional.

Billy Broadfoot (High Gear Bike Shop) will (once again) be Dan’s Crew Chief for this latest endurance cycling event. Billy will head up an international crew of six, coordinating logistics involving two vehicles (an RV for crew, a follow vehicle, two racing recumbent bikes, food, hydration, clothing, lighting, navigation, etc.).

Billy and Dan will be off to Ireland on August 23rd for a Race start on August 27th. At the time of this writing Dan is the first and only recumbent ultracyclist and the oldest (71) entrant to take up the Race Around Ireland.

Billy and Dan are no strangers to long-distance endurance cycling. You can learn more about Dan, his bikes, his training and the Race Around Ireland (video and pics) by going to his blog: TRAINING.

Dan will be supporting research to end brain cancer through the charity 3000 Miles To A Cure. Dan’s Facebook page END BRAIN CANCER NOW includes important information, links and updates.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Next Week - June Week - June 5

It's warming up out here.  That means my training starts earlier in the day.  This week is a low and slow week: two laps of 15.8 miles five days.  

Next week tentative plan is as follows:

2 laps - 30 miles - 1440 ft - 2.5 hours
6 laps - 90 "       -  4320 ft - 8 hours
4 laps - 60 "       -  2880 ft - 5 hours 
6 laps - 90 "       -  4320 ft - 8 hours
4 laps - 60 "       -  2880 ft - 5 hours 

         330 miles   15,840 ft   29 hours

This may change if it is too much too soon.  Not worth overtraining.