
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bacchetta CA-2 - Standard Set Up

Three months ago I had rotator cuff surgery.  I'm cleared to do outdoor training at this point.  Most of my other bents have a tiller, mini bullhorn bars, levers and a Kent Polk Rail Gun seat.  The steeply reclined (4%) Rail Gun seat is ideal for most riding.  And I much prefer it over the Standard set up.  

In the meantime I am getting my bike handling skills back up to speed on mostly flat(ish) terrain with very minimal vehicular traffic.  The less steep recline (12-17%) adds stability at low speeds.  If I become unbalanced for some reason I can just throw a leg out to stay upright.  

I `re-converted' my CA-2 back to the standard set up, with a few minor bells and whistles for convenience.  Below find many pics.


UPDATE: (Sep 12) I just swapped out the standard Bacchetta Carbon Fiber Hardshell Seat for the Kent Polk Rail Gun seat.  The Bacchetta CFHS seat has an upcurve at the bottom that a) irritates the gluteus maximus muscle, the iliotibial tract and the biceps femoris muscle, b) contributes to what I remember as `recumbutt'.  

With the Rail Gun seat I kept the angle of recline the same as with the Bacchetta CFHS seat, i.e., 18%. 

A much more comfortable ride.  And this continues to allow me the stability of `throwing a leg out' if there is some instability.