
Saturday, October 31, 2009

CompuTrainer - Getting my `money's worth'

It's been a long time since I used the C'trainer in a structured plan of training. Though I've had a C'trainer since 1996, with the exception of 2000-2001 my use of it was inconsistent, mostly along the lines of `exercise,' or a `good workout.' That has changed now, as I dig in and prepare for RAW 2010.

Almost any workout on the C'trainer is harder than on the open road. Here are a few of my experiences and reasons for saying so:
  • I set my weight on the C'trainer as if I weighed 250 lbs, not the 200 I currently weigh. That means that on inclines I have to crank harder.
  • The C'trainer doesn't allow me to `coast.' If I stop pedaling, or slow down on declines ... the bike just stops dead! On the open road I frequently `let up' on declines, and often my speed, in fact, increases!
  • I can choose to ride popular and well-known courses. For example, I can load any stage of the 2009 Tour de France. Or, I can create a course based on the terrain of favorite rides I've done (e.g., Ride Across Indiana [RAIN]), the RAAM/RAW route from Congress, AZ, to Sedona, AZ.
  • I can `save' my performance on a course and then race against my performance any time in the future. I did this today. Yesterday I rode 32 miles of the Florida Ironman course in 2 hours. Today I used yesterday's performance on this course and `raced' against myself, completing 41 miles in 2.5 hours. IT WAS VERY DIFFICULT.

So, it looks like I'll be able to structure very high quality training over the cold winter months.