
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Vanity of humanity, or, `ride your bike and socialize.'


As the baby boomers age. Electric assist on bicycles will ramp up in popularity . You get older, you need an assist, whats not to like?

That's logical but not reality. In fact, most of the elderly become inert. That is, they don't travel unless transported by others. This is sad, but true.

Worse, obesity is becoming pandemic in the U.S. among the pre-adolescents. They are hooked on passive forms of distraction. When they do participate in activities they, like the elderly, are transported by others.

Military drill instructors training new recruits have registered their own shock at the rapid and extreme downturn in physical fitness among 18 - 24 year olds. One DI was quoted as saying: "They're so out of shape some of them can't even skip!"

As for the objection that most of us will continue to use gas rather than switch to two wheeled bikes ... again, fallacious.

Fewer suburbs. More small exurbs. Bigger cities. Less gas consumption. More trike- and covered battery powered vehicles. More public transportation. Verticality rather than sprawl.

The 1% of the population owning almost half of the national assets will continue to do as they want until they are, again, beheaded and burned. The rest will do without until, again, they behead and burn.

The human species occupies a mere thin layer of `stain' on the planet when considered on a geological / biological scale of time. Consciousness is an evolutionary dead end.

Ride your bike. Enjoy the moment. Don't isolate yourself. Build good neighborhoods.

Never forget that Aristotle and Plato thought the sun, moon, planets and stars revolved around the earth.

Never forget that Galileo was persecuted and held in house arrest for the remainder of his life by the Pope for proposing that we live in a galaxy, and we occupy a small place in the `solar' system.

Ride your bike. Enjoy the moment. Don't isolate yourself. Build good neighborhoods.

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