
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Heading into winter and exciting riding

October 19th and I'm feeling like I'm just getting started on my cycling season.  Last year at this time I was putting on the weight, dealing with rain, wind, cold, traffic, urban density and congestion.  This year I'm working my training plan and tracking significant week to week improvements. 

I've never had the opportunity to focus on cycling as much as now. 

Today I got in a 20 mile 1,800 feet of climbing training ride `after' I did the finances, met with the plumber and made some phone calls.  And I got back in time for a fried chicken lunch with our neighbors in our Common House.  Our cohousing neighborhood and community ... 

Took a nap, reviewed the training plan and confirmed that I'll be attending some great cycling events here in the SW this winter. 

  • I'm stoked about the 200 K brevet (Heart of Arizona) with the Bullshifters Cycling Club this November 5th;.
  • I'm focused on training for strong and fast hill climbing in a rational and thoughtful way;
  • I'm targeting the Sebring Bike races in Florida next February 18th and 19th, the 24 hour non-drafting RAAM Qualifier event.

These are just a few of the great things I can train for and accomplish with `performance' in mind (not just `survival.')

I'm fortunate and lucky.

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