
Tuesday, January 26, 2021



January 16, 2021 

Yavapai County Sherriff’s Office

255 E. Gurley Street

Prescott, Arizona 86301

Sir / Madam: 

I had earlier (01-15-2021) sent you an email about a cycling incident that occurred on Friday, January 15, 11:40 AM on the road directly in front of (west) the Mormon Temple (7785 Iron Springs Rd) In Kirkland, Az. 

I have enclosed a USB / thumb drive with the following video files and picture: 

·        1-FALLON-011521-FRONT (MP4) – video

·        2-FALLON-011521-REAR (MP4) – video

·        3-FALLON-011521-FrontStrobeLight (MP4) – video

·        4-FALLON-011521-RearStrobeLight (MP4) – video

·        5-STROBE – (MP4) - video

·        6-REAR-3STROBES – (JPG) – pic 


I was beginning a cycling training session heading south on Iron Springs Road immediately west of the Mormon Temple.  My bike was situated to the right (west) of the white fog line on the road.  I had not yet engaged the pedals (clipless) and the bike was not moving.  I was sitting on the `saddle’ / seat of the bike.  I was stationary. 

I noted a few vehicles on Iron Springs Road moving / heading north.  I looked up and saw a line of vehicles in the opposite lane approaching my position. They had not yet crossed the bridge.   I was waiting for the vehicles to pass me.  I never begin or stop a cycling training session when vehicles are approaching. 

I was looking at the front (big) ring on the bike and cycling computer to assure I was in the correct gear and that the computer was in the `ON’ status.    At that `instant’ I noted a white passenger vehicle that had moved out of the northbound lane and into `my’ southbound lane, accelerating to approximately 45 mph in an effort to pass the vehicle in front of it.  On review of the video (2-FALLON-011521-REAR (MP4)) this vehicle had an Arizona license plate # XXXXXXXXX (0:03:15).  The vehicle had already crossed the double solid yellow lines and was moving further west toward me, still to the right of the white fog line (1-FALLON-011521-FRONT (MP4)) – (0:02:48). 

I had no time to move the bike or `jump’ off the bike into the shoulder of the road.  As the video shows (0:02:48) the vehicle continued to approach me.  

At the time of this incident it appeared that the vehicle was veering further to the west and would likely collide with me.  At the last second (to my immediate left / east) the vehicle abruptly `jerked’ back toward the northbound lane.  

  1. This vehicle initiated passing the vehicle ahead of it while crossing the double yellow line;
  2. This vehicle was, in my estimate, traveling far in excess of the 25 – 35 mph speed limit;
  3. The driver of this vehicle failed to respond to the very, very bright forward facing flashing strobe light affixed to the front of my bike;
  4. The driver of this vehicle failed to respond to the fact that I was wearing a high viz iridescent yellow jacket, long bright white stockings and shorts that were emblazoned with equally high viz iridescent yellow stripes;
  5. I estimate that the vehicle passed me with less than twelve (12) inches between us.
  6. The vehicle did not have the front headlights on. 

The videos and picture I have provided in the USB / thumb drive show the bright, flashing white and red strobe lights (1 strobe light in front, 3 strobe lights in back, 2 of which are in red) affixed to my bike.  

I am requesting that you investigate this incident to determine if there were actions on the part of the driver that were not lawful and were dangerous.  I will fully comply with any requests you make of me in this investigation. 

Again, thank you.  You can be certain that I will not abuse your time and energy with less grave incidents. 




Saturday, January 16, 2021

Change of Plans...

 From a recent FB post I made:

So ... the funny thing is ... as a certified slow learner it has recently dawned on me. Bicycling more than 12 hours isn't hard ... it's just dreadfully boring. Boring boring and boring.

Only two events were beyond my physical ability at that time. Race Across the West in 2010 (415 miles in 24 hrs) and the Race Around Ireland in 2017 (208 hours in about the same amount of time).

The rest ... I stopped because I ... just ... lost ... interest.

Funny it has taken this long for me to `get' that.

A sense of `relief' in some ways.  Clearly there was a time when doing (or attempting) massive endurance cycling things was important.  To `prove' my manhood?  To show my capacity for doing extremely difficult physical and mental things?  To employ an activity that consumed my anxious energy, grinding anxiety of existence.  (No doubt about that last one).

For whatever reason I think I have the `grinding anxiety' under control.  It's not so `grinding' at this point.  And I don't think it has anything to do with age and the physiological realities of aging.  

Over the next indeterminate period of time I'm going to see what substituting `intensity' for `volume' does for cycling satisfaction.  It's definitely going to be difficult (it hurts to push the body into tempo pace for long periods of time). 

1. A fourteen mile, 800 feet of climbing, out and back course (Kirkland-Canyon Out & Back) will serve as the `intensity' based training course;

2. One warm-up lap at average of 14.3 mph.

3. One or more `tempo' pace laps at no less than 15.5 mph. 

And then see what that does in the way of physical stamina.  


Must have been a good day.

Lap 1: Goal 14.3 mph; Actual 15.2 mph

Lap 2: Goal 15.5 mph; Actual 17.5 mph.

Had a great time.  


This is an exciting development for me.  It means that the `strain' of time commitments and sense of neglect I've experienced for quite a while is likely to end.  

Even more, given the actual results of this `change of plan,' I'm looking forward to doing better on the bike.  For so, so, so long I struggled and equivocated with putting up big miles on the `board.'  Though that may happen it will not be my only goal.

I'll be 3/4 of a century old in a few weeks.  Of course, I don't `feel it.' And I think that has as much to do with genetics as diet, exercise and wonderful family.  

I'll be paying attention to numbers: weight, bpm, blood pressure, comparative performance over decided courses.  And then, with a few organized events coming up (12 hours at 24 Hours In The Canyon in June, 12 hours at the World Time Trial Championship in October) I'll see what I can deliver.  Twelve hours is not so long that I'll lose interest and start thinking about family, work, family ... work.

Altogether this is a good new development.