Sunday, September 12, 2021

Weight Loss and fat v. fat free mass measurement

In the weight loss process I have to be careful to not just `lose' weight. Most, if not all, of the riding I'll be doing on the race in June should be done at an aerobic pace, i.e., with HR no greater than 110 unless short steep inclines. 860 miles with 4.5 hours of sleep over 65 hours ... I couldn't (and I don't know of anyone who could) do this at a racing / anaerobic pace.

Aerobic work uses mostly fat, some carbs and shouldn't use glycogen. If I got myself down to a `lowest' goal (prob 165) I'd have fewer than 7% fat weight. That'd be great on the steep inclines but I'd have a very touch and go nutrition and hydration process while riding. Might could also just do me in. Not sure.

I'm scheduled to get a Bodpod assessment this Friday.

The assessment will tell me my fat vs fat-free mass numbers. That will then help me target a particular weight loss goal that won't be too lean nor too fat. Part of the process of careful preparation.

The whole thing costs $65 and takes less than 20 minutes. Should be interesting.