Sunday, September 21, 2014

An Odd But Familiar Source of `Release'

A friend described an upcoming cycling event as an `A' event.  It had been a while since I had ranked cycling activities in terms of priority and relative importance but his description seemed to fit.  At least, and especially, given the emotional energy I had been experiencing as the event date had approached. 

An `A' event is one where you focus your time, energy and other resources.  And expectations.  Doing well fades into the distance as your determination to demand all-out performance results sucks all the air out of the rest of your life.  And that is where I am at the present.  A sort of narrow minded focus. 

I'm not good company.  Haven't been for several days.  Perhaps weeks.  Edgy.  A coiled intensity that makes me feel selfish.  If not actually a little crazy. 

I'm suspicious and critical of such an intensity over a `sport.'  From serious to `grave.'  The kind of trap I've seen many people fall into that has only a small relevance to reality.  And it is a very dangerous thing.  It leads us to behave, relate and take risks that are out of proportion to any benefit to be gained. 

`The definition of a fanatic is that of a person who redoubles their effort after they lose all sight of the objective.' 

So, in less than two hours I'll be sitting on a bicycle with the conscious intent of going batshit crazy for a few hours. 


It strikes me as not much different from the mania and desperation you see in religious/political/military/sports people.  All the normal, round and textured edges in a complex and nuanced life are hacked off leaving the semblance of a bloody stump.  And that bloody stump is propelled forward knowing that it is damaged and has the likelihood of doing actual damage. 

Well.  I had better suit up and get ready for this well considered, deliberate destruction.  I don't understand it.  I disapprove of it.  I'm blind to reservations about it.  And I intend to exercise conscious violence to rationality for the next several hours.

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