Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thinning The Herd #4 ... And Counting

Image result for skull and crossbones images

So.  Today I was noodling my way up the Spars.  As I turn to summit MP 305 I see a collection of vehicles and people standing around on the side of the road. 

Honestly, how do people manage to crash into the side of a mountain when going uphill?! 

Today's lucky winner is a fellow who said, when I asked how did it happen: "I dunno.  It just turned on it's own into the dirt." 

On it's own.  His motorcycle "turned on it's own."  

Is that a hallucination?  Something to do with God on Sunday?  Evil spirits?  Bad joo-joo?

Reminds me of when I was changing one of my son's diapers years ago.  "Ooh.  Who pooped in your pants?"  "Uhhh.  I dunno?"

So.  I asked the (surviving) motorcyclist: "Your head is bleeding.  Did the EMT's look at that?"
HIM: "Nah.  `m'alright." 
ME: "Did your helmet take the brunt of the hit?"
HIM: "What helmet?"

Several miles later I come across another motorcyclist on the side of the road.  His motorcycle is half on and half off the road.  He sees me and walks my way so I stop.  He's wearing what looks like a Gucci `Outlaw Biker' leather vest and a faux dirty headband.  The vest doesn't quite cover his drooping belly in his "Harley Davidson" $75 t-shirt.

ME:  "You o.k.?"
HIM:  "Oh yah.  I'm fine."
ME:  "Can I help?"
HIM: "You got some gas?" "Ha." "Ha."

ME: (Pregnant extended silence as I stare at him) "Gas?"
HIM: "Yah.  I just run outta gas."
ME: (A certain incredulous look on my face).  "Umm.  Uh.  No.  But I got half a Power Bar.  You want that?"  (Get it?  Power bar?)
HIM: (Ignoring my offer).  "How you ride that thing?  Looks real uncomfortable."
ME: (Still incredulous look) "Umm.  I'm o.k."

A motorcycle. 
He's out of gas.
On a hill. 

I know I shouldn't have said this but ....

ME: (Attempting to be humorous):  "For the right money I'll give you a pull." 
HIM: "Ha."

Friday, August 28, 2015

Thinning The Herd

It has been about two weeks since I have been on the bike for any distance.  So this morning I rode out and back on my regular training route.

This route climbs through the Prescott National Forest on a two lane, well-paved road.  On the west side of the road there are 6,000 - 7,000 foot mountains.  On the east side a sharp cliff drop-off for most of the route.  The road is twisty with numerous sharp and steep turns constituting blind switchbacks. 

In the past two weeks I note that there have been three accident site investigation markings on the road.  All of these markings, and one of the sites, indicate a motorcycle-involved incident.  Two of the sites show that the motorcycle slammed into the mountain rock face at a high rate of speed.  One site has a single-track skid mark, ending with melted road surface abutting the flat rock face. 

On the return leg of my training ride today a large open-bed truck passed me on a blind curve, certainly exceeding the 20 mph speed limit.  He was followed by three other vehicles, close on.  Earlier two motorcyclists were ascending a steep switchback at 45 mph (20 mph speed zone), followed close on by three small sports cars.  One of the sports cars clearly was in trouble, as it skidded sideways in order to manage the sharp turn.

Well.  I waved nicely. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Live Another Day

Vulture Mine Road - Wickenburg, AZ

The first 44 miles minimal wind. Maximum heat (124F radiant sun, i.e., the handlebars were too hot to touch). 

The last six miles ... monsoon.

In 10 minutes it clouded over, temp dropped 54F, lightning, intense wind, rain felt like gravel.

Simply could not see. Wind swirling, pushing, slapping, shoving.  

Almost in ditch twice.
Torrential downpour washing desert runoff, sand and debris over road.