I don't ride a bike for casual recreation. I `train' so that I can participate in competition. I'm on the road for 12 to 20 hours each week.
Not all dangerous riding/driving is illegal. Courtesy and mutual regard make the road safer for both.
- It is irresponsible (but not illegal) for a cyclist to `hog' the lane when there is room to the right of the road/fog line.
- It is irresponsible (but not illegal) for a cyclist to not use flashing rear and front lights so that drivers can see him/her.
- It is irresponsible (but not illegal) for a cyclist to wear `earth tone' clothing, making him/her less visible to drivers.
- It is irresponsible (and illegal in most states) for a driver to pass a cyclist with less than 3 feet clearance.
- It is irresponsible (and illegal) for a driver to place a cyclist in danger when passing another vehicle from the opposite direction.
- It is irresponsible for a driver to harass a cyclist with a blaring horn.
- It is irresponsible for a driver to place a cyclist in jeopardy by driving dangerously (sudden stop, sharp right turn, entering lane from opposite direction, etc.)
THIS is a link to a video of a truck driver placing a cyclist in unnecessary danger with careless (but probably not illegal) driving.
THIS is a link to a summary of states requiring drivers to give cyclists three feet of clearance when passing.