Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fuel, hydration, electrolytes and cramp control

It may change once the weather turns and I can get out of the dang cellar, but ...

On the DF I never had a problem with handling what I ate or drank on long rides. On the recumbent I have to be careful or I experience a real sense of dis-ease.

I used to use a conservative mix of Perpetuem for fuel and an even more diluted mix of Gatorade Endurance powder for water. Doing long, intense (for me), spells of effort on the C'trainer I find a mild nausea coming on after about the 3rd or 4th hour.

I've stopped `spiking' my water with any kind of electrolyte mix and now just drink it straight and pure. I use Hammer Endurolyte pills as needed.

I've begun using just plain maltodextrin in the `fuel' bottle. I mix it for about a two hour need (600 - 650 cals). The maltodextrin I use is tasteless, dilutes to almost the same consistency of water.

Here is the formula for a 16 oz bottle:

2 cups of Maltodextrin*
1 33cc scoop of whey/soy protein
1 Tums pill
8 `pinches' of sea salt

I'll probably eat solids for protein and potassium.

Though my goal was not cost savings I seem to be saving a lot of money for the fuel and water mix that doesn't sicken me and still gives me what I need in the way of fuel, hydration, electrolyte balance and cramp prevention.

J.M. Swank Company, Inc.
520 W Penn Street
North Liberty, Iowa 52317