Friday, April 2, 2010

Crew Vehicle Needed

The Race Across the West which begins in Oceanside, CA, and ends in Durango, Colorado. The race starts at noon on Wednesday, June 9th, and racers have 92 hours (3 days 20 hours) to finish.

I've got a solid crew, have done and am doing the necessary training (just returned from a week in Arizona where I rode 370 miles and climbed more than 35,000 in elevation). I've got all the gear, clothing, food, etc. At this point we need a Crew Vehicle that will accomodate 3 crew members, a spare bike, all the gear and food for the Race.

If you have a vehicle you'd like to offer for the trip from Chicago to San Diego and back, or, from Durango, Colorado, and back, or, from Prescott, AZ to San Diego and back from Durango, Colorado, please contact me. I'll try to work something out with you.

If you know a vehicle manufacturer, an auto dealership, a commercial enterprise that is willing to sponsor the Race with a Crew Vehicle please feel free to share your idea with me.

Thanks for your interest. I'm up for any and all scenarios and questions.

- Dan