Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Learnings and refinements

O.K. So now I've learned that riding uppy downy CompuTrainer courses may be fun but it doesn't lend itself to a measurable training program. Pushing time and watts does that. And I can do that on a straight flat course for which the ergometer was meant.

So that led me to a decision to stop fooling myself by setting the C'trainer at 250 lbs thinking that this would give me a `better' workout. Instead, I've reset it to a conservative 180 lbs, the weight that I'll probably start RAW at. If I'm good at a sensible weight loss process it will be more like 165 - 175, but....

There will be a time when I'll want to do extended climbing at 7% for a few hours but that will come later.

And finally, I'm going to begin constructing workouts that include intervals (20-30 mins `on' at 85% effort, 5 - 10 mins rest, and over and over again) and target watts (120, 125, 130, 140) for extended periods of time (several hours or more).

Training is not just training. It is an unfolding education.