Monday, November 9, 2009

Good weekend ...

Last Friday I had planned 3 or 4 hours on the indoor trainer but I found myself napping at every free minute. Finally concluded that I "must be tired" and stopped fighting it.

Saturday I spent a productive morning doing life's responsibilities (work, chores, bills, correspondence, telephone calls, family stuff) and then got on the CompuTrainer for a planned 4 hour workout. I broke each hour into one 45 minute easy lope at under 120 bpms and then the last 15 minutes at 160 watts, whatever that got me in bpm. Felt great afterwords. Good strategy for long indoor workouts.

Sunday weather predicted to be exceptionally warm for November in the midwest. Packed up the bike and drove 45 miles west of Chicago, to Hampshire, to do 75 or 100 miles. I'm getting to know many of the roads in this area now so I allowed myself to `make up' a 100 mile route on the fly. My plan was to keep the bpm in the 120 range and do whatever speed that got me on the flats, the hills and into the strong south wind.

Wound up doing 101.39 miles in 6:01:00. Heart, lungs and energy level were strong throughout the entire ride but my legs decided they wanted to stop (they didn't) at 95 miles. Sort of funny but it is proof that I've not done this mileage recently. Good to be back on track with this.

Here's a link to the ride via my Garmin 705: