Saturday, December 12, 2009

Organizing chaos

One of the more certain aspects about preparing for RAW is that a change in one area of my life affects many other things.

I've been on a rational weight loss program for almost a week now and find that some of the foods I've selected in the program don't agree with me. That is, in my case, they're too `heavy.' I'm not used to so much turkey meat. So, I'll be investigating different options for meeting the Carb/Protein/Fat mix in the diet.

As I increase the number of hours and intensity of the training I need more sleep and rest. One of the pleasures of my work is in spending evenings with couples and other clients. I've always allowed myself to stay later if the therapy process is working well. And this has resulted in getting home later. I try to get up to spend time with Annie, my wife, so I wind up squeezing sleep time out of my schedule. I'll have to be more time-constrained at work because I'm not going to give up the time with Annie.

I often wonder if some of the effects of training have to do with age or just that ... I've not done this kind of training in my younger years. I've ridden dozens of multiday hundred mile and more rides and have run many, many marathons. I recall feeling tired from these events but ... there is that thing that many endurance athletes do: we forget the pain almost immediately after a difficult event.

I do know that I've got to a) limit my work, b) be flexible with my diet, c) be more disciplined about my sleep, d) not take any of the time away from my relationship with my wife and kids and grandkids.