Monday, March 5, 2012

Itty bitty Rant.

Maybe it is a generational thing.

Whenever I speak with a service provider on the phone or in a store they refer to me as `Daniel.'  Frankly that's offensive to me.  For the previous many decades the customer would be referred to as Mr. or Mrs. `X.'  I did it.  They did it, too. 

I whined about this in the presence of my eldest son.   He's in his early 40's and he, too, found it offensive.  But, he's got some of the `in your face' assets of his old Pa. 

He told me about a time he was on the phone with a customer service person working to resolve a problem for him.  She referred to him as `David' so often that he finally got fed up and said: "Have we had sex?!"  "Do we know me well enough that you can call me by my first name?!"  

I like the chutzpah! 

But, in my maturity I now find myself saying: "I mean no disrespect but I'd prefer that you not call me by my first name.  Mr. Fallon is better."  I once had a person reply that she thought I was arrogant by saying that.  So, in that instance I stated: "Fine.  Don't call me `Mr' Fallon.  You, and only you, are expected to refer to me as DOCTOR Fallon!!"

I know what she was thinking: "Not only is this guy arrogant, he's an arrogant p***k, too!?"

Right.  I can be.  I get my druthers, too, sometimes.

O.K.  Rant over.  Return to normal civility.


  1. In similar fashion I much prefer Mike to Michael but some people just can't do it. For what ever reason they are compelled to call me Michael. I am getting mature enough that Mr. is starting to sound pretty good.

  2. My pet peeve is simple. When I say "Thank you" to someone who has provided some type of service at a store, a simple, "You're welcome" is the most appropriate response. "No problem" is not an appropriate response. I too must be getting old but it's simple manners in my humble opinion.
