Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Paleo Diet

I got the book Joe Friel recommended ("Paleo Diet for Athletes").  Cover to cover. 

Though it was written by a university academic it reads like one of those advertisements from Hammer products: "wow," "amazing," "you'll improve your times, lose weight, develop a following of groupies, get rich, dance better, fart less, your hair will grow back, and people will say you remind them of Brad Pitt."

Paleo means `cave man.' 

You're supposed to eat meat, fish and vegetables.  All of it fresh, if not actually trying to eat you back while you eat it. 

You're supposed to avoid milk and grains.  You're supposed to drink fluids only when you're thirsty. 
  • Cave men typically didn't live long enough to develop heart disease.  They checked out in their 20's.  So, it's true that they didn't die from age related diseases.
  • As we age our sense of thirst isn't as reliable as when we were cave man `eligible.'  Almost all folks over 50 are chronically, even if mildly, dehydrated. 
  • I will not allow my food bill to double.  Fresh meat?  Fresh fish?  Organic vegetables? 
  • The meat-producing industry does massive harm to land and ecologies.
  • I'm supposed to buy frequently (fresh!) and local.  (Right.  I'll just rearrange my houseboy's schedule during the week so that he chauffeurs me less and shops more discriminatingly).
  • The author has 30 or 40 `recipes' for me to cook up.  My houseboy can't cook for crap.  That means I'd have to add a chef to my payroll.  I wouldn't trust them.  I'd probably find them both smokin' on the veranda when they're supposed to laboring away, perfecting my mortal `temple.'
  • The author laments the fact that our species became agrarian, no longer hunters and gatherers.  He blames climate change for this tragedy, suggesting an asteroid caused it.  He would prefer, instead, that we died off in our 30's, never developed science, writing, art (oops!  bone necklaces and pictographs are art), culture.
  • The author (and others) reports amazing data regarding improved biometrics, i.e., cholesterol, triglycerides, and countless other things.  I don't have the training, education or knowledge to dispute, let alone comment on, much of the detail.  So, I got tired of saying "Mmm. Uh-huh" after each 20 page dollop of chemistry lesson. 
  • My family has always had a problem with cholesterol.  I take a small, inexpensive statin drug and it has made a miraculous difference. 
  • It makes no sense for me to "get in the river and try to push it back upstream."  I mean, I should eat meat all day and then take a statin to reduce cholesterol?!  I DO see the contradiction.

I'm gonna stick with veggies, peanut butter and lots of fluids.  And NOBODY is going to take my glass of two buck chuck from me.

After all, it appears that the time has passed (40+ years ago) when I should be a dead caveman.  Something I'm doing (or not doing) has got to be working.

Here is a link to an interesting YouTube vid on this subject:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4RB50h61FQ


  1. Well said and no one can argue the first point.

  2. Cave men typically didn't live long enough to develop heart disease. They checked out in their 20's. So, it's true that they didn't die from age related diseases.

    As Mark said, this point pretty much puts this one to bed.
