Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lance v Goldman Sachs

The government dithers over whether or not cycling is dirty (grand juries, subpoenas, etc) and whether Lance doped.  Of course, nobody likes cheaters. 

But when the Secretary of the Treasury (Paulson) gave banks $700 billion without any direction as to what they were to do with it ... where are the grand juries, subpoenas and indictments for the Wall Street thieves who took the money and gave themselves millions of dollars of bonuses?! 

One percent of Americans own 95% of American wealth.  Predatory mortgage lenders, supported by impossible to understand derivatives traders, remain employed, well paid and have happy future prospects.  The rest of Americans think that they can be Wall Street investment bankers and consider critics of Wall Street `socialists.' 

Democracy is `on the books' in America.  But `Capitalism' impoverishes all but the few oligarchs. 

Lance, please keep doing what you do for cancer research.  If I got caught every time I broke the speed limit I'd be in a prison ... receiving socialized medicine until my last day. 


  1. What happened to the cross State record attempts on the Vendetta?

  2. Vendetta production delayed while some important improvements and modifications made. I just got the Vendetta via FED EX the other day.

    I'll be relocating to AZ in a few weeks so my lan is to identify some record setting opportunites out thataway.
