Sunday, November 11, 2012

2013 Cycling Calendar ... WIP

Work in Progress.

So much has settled in my private life over the past few months that, barring life's certain monkey wrenches, 2013 looks like the `year of competitive cycling' for me. 

I, like many of us, need a concrete event ahead of me to anchor my training.  Just yesterday I made the decision to participate in the Sebring 24 hour non-drafting event in February.  A good friend, Allan Duhm, is making it much more possible for me to do this by putting me up and letting me transport the bike from the airport to the race location and back. 

I realize now that I should have had a crew last week when I did the World's Time Trial Championship 24 Hour event in Coachella Valley.  And, frankly, I just needed to switch out a new wheel/tire each time I got a flat (4!).  Hydration and fuel and clothing we're fine without support.  Who would have expected a 7 mile stretch of 86/78 to be so filled with shredded truck tires, pieces of pipe, metal, glass and junk on the shoulder!  I got 3 of the 4 flat tires on that 7 mile stretch.  Even with excellent Conti 4000 tires and tire liners (for added insurance ... I thought).

Sebring doesn't allow crewed vehicles as support on the course.  And I haven't heard horror stories from previous participants about the road and debris.  Wrapping up night riding on a closed 3.1 mile course adds another layer of predictability to a successful, unimpeded crack at a 24 Hour record.   Worth it!!!

Anchoring the end of the 2013 season is the Hoodoo 300 event in September.  I crewed for Dave Ellsbury in his Hoodoo 500 effort in 2012.  Dave's an incredible cyclist, having successfully finished the Hoodoo 500 and RAAM the previous two attempts.  Although he had to DNF on the Hoodoo 500 this year he went on to be a strong finisher at the World's 24 Hour Time Trials in Coachella Valley last weekend. 

So, the bookend events for 2013 are Sebring 24 non-drafting in Florida next February and the Hoodoo 300 in Utah next September.

Lot's of options for events in between and they will become clearer as time goes on. 

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